Friday, April 08, 2005
XFire SOAP support is nice
Currently we're using Axis SOAP that comes w/JBOSS. We're moving away from JBoss and all the code written in JBoss so it's as good as time as any to seek alternatives. Using Spring has made me lazy. Create classes and interfaces for what I do and everything else is just configuration of what to do w/those interfaces. So XFire is all about that too, give it the interfaces and let it register it as SOAP service, generated the WSDL, and even generate the client stubs which I plan to use for testing right now. Real SOAP clients are in C++ and perl. I hope XFire plays nice with C's csoap library implementation and Perl's SOAP::Lite.

So in my business library project, neoconf, I don't have any SOAP library dependencies

interface MyService {
void String basicMethodWithBasicParams(String basic, int basicToo);

and it's not until my web project that I expose this interface in web.xml and myservice-xfire.xml and that contains no code.


Took some doing to get XFire to build. Followed directions on website w/a little help from mailing list about maven issues, of which I know little about.

I am a bit worried about all the dependencies:

for client

But worth the price, and can't complain I'm sure it make the library very capable by leveraging other libraries.

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